Scandinavia is a subregion of Northern Europe that is made up of Norway, Sweden and Denmark. The term comes from the Swedish, Norwegian, and Danish word "skandinavien" and refers to the ancient lands of the Norse people.
The term “Norse” refers to settlers, traders, farmers, and seafarers who originally hailed from Northern Europe. While the terms “Norse” and “Viking” both refer to people from Scandinavia, Vikings are a more specific group of Norsemen who served as part-time warriors under their Jarls, their noble chiefs.
Explore today's beautiful countries of the Norsemen and Vikings and learn about their cultures, history, diet and geographies. You will not be disappointed. These are the lands of stunning fjords, thousands of waterfalls, hundreds of thousands of islands, rich and enchanted forests, plentiful seafood and of course, the Vikings!
Read on to learn more about Bubbly Tourist's travels to gorgeous Norway, beautiful Sweden and Helsinki, Finland. We lay out an itinerary that took hours and hours of planning so you can leverage it and enjoy your travels with only a fraction of the planning it took us.
Bubbly Bon Voyage!